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Wymondham Players Production - Waiting in the Wings

Waiting in the Wings
By Noel Coward
Dates performed: 24th - 27th April 2024

Director: Amanda Oelrichs
Stage Manager:  Nancy Adams
Stage crew: Rick Adams, John Gray and Emma Baines

Above: (Left to right) Sylvia Archibald (Becky Davis); Lotta Bainbridge (Tracey Hobbs); Estelle Craven (Frances Harrod);
Deirdre O'Malley (Georgette Vale); Perry Lascoe (David Percival); Cora Clarke (Heather Carpenter)
Maud Melrose (Marianne London): Bonita Belgrave (Rowena Atkinson); May Davenport (Tabi Paternoster);
Almina Clare (Jaybee Brown)

Below left: Zelda Fenwick (Katy Lowry);

Other cast members: Osgood Meeker (David Paternoster); Dora/Topsy Baskerville (Mary Primrose); Dr Jevons (David Atkinson)
Alan Bennet (Chris Cate); Sarita Myrtle (Elaine Skelly); Doreen (Samantha Coultas)


NODA Review

This was Noel Coward’s 50th play and his tribute to the theatre. Set in a retirement home, called The Wings, for retired actresses; this play with a cast of seventeen (mostly) ladies could be a nightmare for the director to keep pace.   Amanda Oelrichs kept the shape of the play, the pace and the interest as these superb characterisations from this large cast entertained us, a tight production.

As expected from the players, the set designed by Alan Carpenter and David Paternoster was practical and ideal for purpose, looked good, was well dressed and with properties all fitting the setting.    The costumes were right for the period and looked good on actresses.

What an opportunity for all these ladies to develop their strong interpretations as they re-enacted their triumphs on stage and their relationships and their memories.  There were some perfect reflections on the stage and so many excellent performances.  

The focal point of the story is the arrival of Lotta Bainbridge (Tracey Hobbs) to the home where her archrival May Davenport (Tabi Paternoster) holds sway, they have not spoken for 30 years.  The residents’ gossip provided a good background to the story, as they discussed the reasons for the long-held rivalry. 

It must have taken a lot of effort to cast 13 ladies, resulting in the return of previous players and the recruitment of new members to add to the current core of players.   Each worked so hard to establish their personality and character.   We had an episode with matches and the result.   We had a great personality of outspoken Cora from Heather Carpenter.  A well maintained Irishness of Deidre from Georgette Vale, and that jig!    Great discussions and views regarding the longed-for solarium. And how to obtain funding for this from Perry (David Percival) in his relationship with the ladies. We had all the fun of the Christmas party.

Overall, there were the various conversations and relationships built up through years of living under one roof.   It was not a static production and certainly the movement and visits kept us all involved.  Around the bar the marvelous black and white theatre photos as the actresses were in their heyday really added to the atmosphere.

A really entertaining and very professional production much enjoyed by the audiences.

 Sue Dupont

Assistant Rep District 5 NODA East